A viable therapeutic strategy for SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2

Category : Business | Sub Category : News Posted on 2020-05-19 11:40:05

A viable therapeutic strategy for SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2

This is not medical advice but (a viable therapeutic strategy) derived, extrapolated and constructed by software at 15 may 2020.

Required:         Sustained fever for at least 4 hours.

Confirmed SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2 infected (if not this treatment will be a waste of resources).

Treatment runtime 5 days;

Day 1:                    2 x Resveratrol 200mg between 06.00 and 10.00

                                2 x Salvestrol 350mg between 18.00 and 22.00

Day 2 - 5:              2 x Resveratrol 100mg between 06.00 and 10.00

                                2 x Salvestrol 350mg between 18.00 and 22.00

Age range 12-unlimited: as stated

5-12: 75% as stated

2-5: 50% as stated

0-2: unknown, atm. insufficient data

At least sustained fever of 4 hours is needed to kick start immune response, building anti-bodies.

A proper balance to control these processes is needed to prevent side and after effects;

Resveratrol prevents the virus from overwhelming the host while it is building anti-bodies, this process creates waste, this waste which is still partly active, needs to be terminated and expelled from the body and this is where Salvestrol comes in.

Resveratrol prevents SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 from using Ace2 (Dpp4).

Salvestrol acts as a waste expelling agent.

Resveratrol must be stopped after 5 days; Salvestrol can be continued for a maximum of 3 extra days.

Treatment can be repeated after at least a 3 day pause.

Results can be detected as a much lower viral load within 1 day (50-80% less) obtaining 95% after 4 days. Due to the use of Salvestrol there will be less than 2% side or after effects. Viral caused damages in general (which cannot be completely avoided) will be less than 5%. If above results are lower increase Resveratrol dose by 100% (do not exceed 300%).

This treatment has been extrapolated by using three Software engines: Bio-chemical profilers, Contextual quantum analyzers and Medical quantum analyzers produced by ECSystems.nl

This treatment was already extrapolated by our profilers and analyzers on March 30, 2020 with a 55% reliability, our latest run have taken this to 98%.

Note: we do not sell Resveratrol or Salvestrol neither do we endorse points of sale; we only provide computational power to run our analyzers for free.

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